netoops blog

Saturday, 24 August 2013

Differentiate Between ‘==’ Operater & Equals Method in the Context Of String Object?

Answer: Both equals() and "==" operator in Java is used to compare objects to check equality but main difference between equals method and  == operator is that former is method and later is operator. Since Java doesn’t support operator overloading, == behaves identical for every object but equals() is method, which can be overridden in Java and logic to compare objects can be changed based upon business rules.
 Another difference between == and equals method is that former is used to compare both primitive and objects while later is only used for objects comparison.
            Another difference is  ==’ operator compare reference or memory location of objects in heap, whether they point to same location or not .whenever we create any object using the operator new it will create new memory location for that object. So we use == operator to check memory location or address of two objects are same or not. And when we talk about ‘equals() method’ main purpose is two compare the state of two objects or contents of the object.

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